Psalms 133: 1 = “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!” One of the blessings of this ministry is attending the quarterly board meetings of the 4 pregnancy centers. The boards of the centers are made up of people from 3 different Baptist fellowships as well as some independents. The unity these boards display is a real encouragement and goes well in achieving what needs to be done in this important work. The truth is when people are busy doing the Lord’s work there almost always is more unity than when they are not involved.

Andrew BuhrowHaving been a pastor for most of my life, I have observed that it isn’t the people serving the Lord that cause most of the disunity and disharmony in the local church, but the ones sitting on the sidelines criticizing those who are working. May I encourage you to get involved in some way so that you become a part of the solution and not a part of the problem.

I am very excited about what will be happening in the month of April. First of all I’m happy to hear how our election turned out in the matter of the State Supreme Court race. Congratulations to Judge Hagedorn. Secondly, I was able to attend the “Pastor’s Toolbox” at Camp Chetek on the 1st and 2nd and spend time with area pastors and get some incite from the sessions on worship and music in the church. Thirdly, Nancy and I will be promoting “Baptists for Life of Wisconsin” and the “Agape Center” at the ladies retreat in Green Lake on the 5th and 6th. On the 13th we will be having our annual “Pro-life” rally at Faith Baptist Church in Oak Creek, WI. I hope you can come and bring a package of diapers and an offering for this ministry. I am excited about the potential before us in the pro-life cause. I will also be speaking in 3 churches during the month promoting our ministry.

This is the last month before the deadline for our essay and video contests. I’d like to challenge you to encourage you high school students to download the guidelines for those contests from our web site and get involved.

Continue to pray for all our centers as they are constantly challenged financially and with the need for more staff. God has been blessing greatly but there are still needs. Find out what their needs are and pray and consider what you can do to meet those needs.

Thank you for all your prayers for us. The Lord has blessed Nancy and me with pretty good health for a couple of old people, and He has protected us over the many miles we have traveled. We don’t take that for granted and thank Him everyday for the opportunity to serve in this important ministry.

Yours for His service and glory.

Your servant for LIFE, Andrew K. Buhrow
Executive Director Baptists for Life of Wisconsin